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Selasa, 31 Maret 2009

How to Use the Internet to Get the Best Deal on Your Insurance

By Jason Hulott Platinum Quality Author

The internet holds a vast amount of resources that you could use to your advantage when you are looking for insurance. It does not matter what type of insurance you are looking to purchase whether it is home, payment protection insurance, car or life insurance. There are many ways that you could use the internet to your advantage to make a great deal of savings on the policy and also to get the best deal around.

To begin with you can save a great deal of time of your part if you choose to go with one of the many insurance brokers to be found online. A broker will be able to search around online on your behalf to find you the best and cheapest premiums for all types of insurance. All you need to do is to give them a few details and they will search with some of the top UK insurance providers and deliver the quotes to you so you can go over them in your own time.

If you would rather search around yourself then the internet acts as a huge online market place where you have access to thousands of insurance companies. As there are so many insurance companies online they all compete against the other and this is where you make savings. An advantage of shopping around online is that online companies have no overheads and as such they can pass the savings onto you as cheaper premiums.

As insurance differs with providers it is essential to know what is and is not included in the policy. Again by using the internet to buy insurance you have all the information needed at hand. Insurance providers would offer the key facts of the insurance you are considering and this information contains all the vital information of the policy. With this information you are able to compare such as the limits that are imposed on payouts, for example when comparing you should compare like for like e.t.c. it is essential that you do check exclusions and the internet will allow you to this a lot easier than if you were shopping around on the high street for insurance.

You could make a simple search using one of the popular search engines to find out anything you do not understand regarding insurance. There are many factors that have to be taken into account and which would depend on the type of insurance you were considering. For example there are different types of car insurance you could consider taking out and the internet would present you with information explaining these.

The internet is a huge virtual market place where you can find thousands of insurance companies and brokers to choose from for the best deals.

  • You may wish to choose a broker to shop around on your behalf for the cheapest deals with the lowest premiums. You can then take your time to go through the quotes and choose the perfect insurance for your needs. Or you can search online yourself.
  • When comparing quotes for insurance premiums you would also need to check out the exclusions that come with a policy as they can vary between providers.
  • When comparing a policy always ensure that you are comparing "like for like", this means for example you would be paying the same excess, the limits would be the same for payouts etc.

Jason Hulott is Editor of Rhino Money, the solid finance information site for UK residents, which covers topics including Insurance and Credit cards

Auto Insurance and what Matters to you

By Chris B

What matters to you when buying auto insurance? Is it the cost of coverage? Is it the customer service? How about the actual benefits that you will receive? No matter what, you need to know what is being offered and what you consider to be a priority. You could make a big mistake if you decide to shop for an auto insurance policy without knowing what you actually want.

Many consumers think about nothing more than cost. They want to get the best deal on the price of auto insurance, and they will do whatever they can to make this happen. There is nothing wrong with finding the best price. In fact, you definitely want to do this because it will make your budget much easier to deal with.

But don't put all of your eggs in one basket. You also need to know what coverage you are getting when you buy a specific auto insurance policy. For instance, the price may be good but the coverage you are offered may be bad. The deductible could be too big, the coverage to your car too low, etc. There are many different types of auto insurance policies. Which one do you feel most comfortable purchasing?

You need to make up your mind on what matters most when shopping for auto insurance. There are details to consider across the board, and you have to stay on top of all of them until you make a purchase. Don't feel rushed. There will always be something to buy when the time comes. It is better to make sure you get what you want the first time so you don't cause yourself more stress later on.

About the Author:

Learn why is the right place to shop for and save on auto insurance.

How to Know If Your Getting a Fair Shake by Your Insurance Company

I know most homeowners have never had to deal with the insurance world. Its tough. Home insurance claims can be really tough because most homeowners have no clue what to look for or how the insurance industry works. Here is a quick process to follow that may help:

1. How to make the Initial Claim. After the storm has hit, call your adjuster and have them come to look at your home. Just know that what the adjuster finds is simply a starting point for your claim...the journey is ahead.

2. What Insurance adjusters look at and what you should look for. Insurance adjusters have programs that take into account certain things that he finds visible. Typically, these prices are grossly under adjusted for the rate increases a storm brings and do not cover the entire scope of work. Let's face it, most of the damage in your home wont be visible. Your policy is not just a "exterior visible damage" policy. Don't let these guys bully you!

3. How to choose a contractor. Your insurance policy states that you have the right to choose your contractor. The three bid game is a bad idea. All you do when you do this is take the least qualified contractor who gets the work by underbidding the rest. And remember, your insurance company is only going to pay you for this price. Its better to just choose a contractor you are comfortable with and feel good that he is getting the job done. If your contractor doesn't have insurance experience, just realize that a lot of this burden will be on you! Choose a contractor who is going to back his warranty and who has the experience to help you! You and your contractor are going to be working together in this.

4. What is your best option? If you have the time to deal with the insurance company, the sub-contractors, and still work a full time job, then maybe being a general contractor is in your best interest. If you manage your job right, there may be a profit margin in there for you. Its a tough job to get the going rate on jobs when the homeowner is the G.C. Typically, since banks hold the 1st mortgage, they will hold the money longer if you are going to take on this task or in some cases, not let you do the work. I'd always suggest finding a good, experienced contractor who is specialized in this department. The money comes out of your pocket if you don't make sure the job is done right!

5. Dealing with the mortgage company. During Hurricane Ike, we have seen mortgage companies holding money that insurance companies have released. Whether this is because they are in dire straights with their own financial troubles or not has yet to be seen. It is imperative that you make your voice heard. Make sure that you are constantly calling and progressing their release of monies owed to you to get your house fixed. If not, this process could be dragged on for years.

6. Making it all work. Your best solution is to find a general contractor who does it all. If you have water or mold, this can be a little daunting. In areas along the gulf coast, especially in homes that saw flooding or had leaks, I would suggest ALWAYS having someone come out. Let's face it, you pay your insurance premiums for a reason. To be protected. Unlike car insurance, your home insurance will not go up with a claim. Its their to protect you and your family. Storms that happen late in the season like Hurricane Ike, had a long winter of cold weather to keep the mold growth from expanding. When the humid months come however, the mold is going to spread like a wildfire. No matter if you have accepted a check or not from your insurance company, call in an expert and get your home done right for you and your family's sake.

To see how to handle the claim and the info you will need for your contractor, go here: Vision Home Works has been in the disaster business for over 12 years and their website is very informative on what you need to do to make sure you get you and your family back in your home.

Disaster Recovery Experts:

Why You Should Get Best Claims to Your Insurance Company?

In any case, having an insurance is proposed to have the best thing when something unexpetedly happen. But sometime we are difficult to claim how much we can get even we get less as expected.
You will know how to get a fair claim for your goods or house.
At least there are five criteria to know better how to have a fair claim for your house claim. And an expert Dale Dalvis will explain this case.
Please read the complet article:

How to Know If Your Getting a Fair Shake by Your Insurance Company

And how about your car insurance?
The best thing to know when you want to buy a car insurance is you know especially what you want to be service by the insurance company. Until then you decide which company that match to this conditions. You also need to know what coverage you are getting when you buy a specific auto insurance policy. You need to make up your mind on what matters most when shopping for auto insurance.

Find the tip in the article:
Auto Insurance and what Matters to you by Chris B

Minggu, 29 Maret 2009

Critical Illness and Terminal Illness Are Not of the Same - Know What Your Asking For

First off, just to clear up, critical illness cover is not life insurance, life insurance will not pay out upon the incidence of a critical illness. Also, Terminal illness, is usually included in the policy and is completely different from Critical illness also, i.e. Critical & Terminal Cover are definitely not the same.

Critical illness cover is a much more wide-ranging level of cover and statistics show that 1 in 5 men plus 1 in 6 women will usually endure a critical illness before the retirement stage of their lives.

Terminal illness cover cannot be sold as a single policy, but always in combination with another policy, usually than being life insurance or even within a critical illness policy. Individuals can claim under Terminal illness cover if they are diagnosed with an illness by which a GP confirms that you are expected to die within 12 months.

A simple example would be to consider that, if you had a heart attack or lost your sight in some way, you are still able to live for years, thus, your life expectancy couldn't essentially be predicted. So whilst you may have to give up your daily occupation, you could not claim under your life insurance and terminal illness policy. This is where critical illness cover comes to pass. As you are expected to live longer than 12 months, critical illness and life insurance will cover you for years on end. It pays out a great lump sum instantaneously after you are diagnosed with one of the long list of critical illnesses that are covered such as cancer, multiple sclerosis, chronic illness and heart attacks et cetera.

Finding the best critical illness life cover;

The fee of critical illness can vary dramatically between the insurer and certain factors around the condition of the insured individual. So its vital to compare prices for cover and critical illness, but also, critical illness life cover can be very complicated at best, so adequate research, patience is required to enable a sound choice.

Conversley, having the Internet available enables you to do the most of the work at the leisure of your own home and brokers online have chosen businesses like ClickLife to provide a price and policy comparison service.

ClickLife will do the majority of the work for you by automatically contacting their panel of top UK insurers to ascertain the best possible quotes from which then they will phone you to present and compare the quotes.

Top Tips with reference to picking life insurance and critical illness;

1. You can join your life insurance policy with a critical illness policy for potentially no extra cost, thus meaning that you are actually getting the extra life cover at no extra charge.

2. Getting two separate policies' rather than a joint policy may work out slightly more costly, however, if a member (e.g. husband) gets a critical illness and the policy is joint, the policy automatically terminates leaving the other (wife) uninsured.

3. By increasing the cover of your critical illness and life insurance, you could also get your mortgage covered, which offers a whole new level of financial safety.

4. If you have received a critical illness life quote that has worked out to expensive, ask for a quote to be tailored to your budget.

There you have it, straightforward information clearing up some simple false impressions about insurance and critical illness insurance cover.

Sabtu, 28 Maret 2009

Life and Critical Illness Insurance Without Advice

By Martin Cavana

A number of the larger insurers have recently launched online life and critical illness sites whereby customers can complete a full application without taking advice. Bright Grey have been the most recent company to announce their site.

Roger Edwards, proposition director at Bright Grey, said: "We need to recognize that a certain segment of the population is using the internet to buy protection without professional advice. This group chooses the Internet-only approach to buy and would not look to buy in any other way. Until now there hasn't been a product that offers life or critical illness cover specifically tailored to this group of people, where they can complete the whole process online.

Roger is quite correct. There are people who just want to do the whole process online without actually speaking to anyone or taking advice but at what cost? The main reason the insurance companies have launched these sites is due to the popularity of price comparison sites. It is true to say that life assurance has always been a rate driven product. There is only one reason it will ever payout so the cheapest premium is usually the best product to go for. You could argue that customer service comes into the equation, which might mean that someone chooses a slightly higher premium based on an outstanding customer service record. However, most people applying over the internet would not know which provider had the best customer service or the quickest claims settlement history.

Critical illness, on the other hand, is not a rate driven product as far as professional advisers are concerned. The differences in cover between two providers can be vast even though they might both offer the same premium. Also, customer service and claims settlement history do come into the equation for an adviser when recommending a policy.

Critical illness cover has improved over the years and life assurance companies now payout more than ever thanks to an understanding of the product from advisers which is then passed on to policy holders. The Association of British Insurers (ABI) has published a standard definitions guide which clearly describes what is required to make a successful claim. Making critical illness a rate driven product with no advice could potentially damage the good work that has been done. There could be more cases of insurers not paying out due to non-disclosure at the point of application. This would only damage the reputation of the product and make future sales harder.

From an advisers point of view I would say that critical illness insurance is something that should be advised. If you are intending on paying premiums for insurance the least you should do is know what you are paying for regardless of what the premium is.

Martin Cavana writes for Life and Critical Illness Cover and is active in promoting Critical Illness Cover to as large an audience as possible. Statistics prove that Critical Illness Cover should be at the forefront of peoples insurance needs but lack of understanding stops this from happening. Our company offers free Critical Illness insurance advice and free quotations.

How To Buy Life Insurance Safely?

Anybody need life insurance. Because the only a reason "Even Nobody Can Not Handle The Risky Situation Beyond'.
Nowdays there are so many offer for the insurance product.
How to be smart when you really need this insurance...
The company criteria

And for better smart decision follow the articles:
Life and Critical Illness Insurance Without Advice

Jumat, 27 Maret 2009

How to Select the Best Systems and Sales Training!

By Lew Nason

You're new to financial sales. Or, maybe you've been selling financial products and services for five or more years. You're looking for the best systems and sales training programs to help you get started, or to take your sales to a six-figure income and well beyond. You search the Internet, look in industry publications, talk to your manager, talk to your associates and you ask successful agents... "What's the Best Sales System Out There?" "Who Do They Recommend?" You find there are well over one hundred systems and sales trainers available. So, you contact a few of these companies. And, after reading all of their materials and/or listening to them, you are totally confused and uncertain whom to choose? Because, each one of these companies tells you that they are the very best. So, how do you make an intelligent decision?

I empathize with you. I have a similar problem. How do I prove to you, and all of the other insurance agents, financial advisors and financial planners, that we have one of the best sales systems and training programs in the financial services industry? It's a difficult problem. Like many of my competitors, I could make outrageous claims that appeal to the insecurity, fears and greedy human nature of most sales people... "Guaranteed Overnight Success!" "One Thousand New Prospects In Six Weeks!" "Get High Quality Prospects To Call You And Beg For An Appointment!" "Work From Home In Your Underwear!" or "Make A Million Dollars In Six Months, Working Part Time!" But, I hope you are too intelligent to fall for any of those... 'In-Your-Face' advertisements! The vast majority of the people that use these 'In-Your-Face' advertisements tend to be hucksters and scam artists! They know that most financial professionals are like most other people, in that they all want and are looking for instant gratification and immediate success.

The truth is that none of us can guarantee 'absolutely' that you will succeed using our programs. There is no marketing, prospecting and sales program that will work for everyone, in every area of the country. There are just to many variables. We don't know you, your talents, your financial situation, your weaknesses, your strengths, your education, your experience or how hard you are willing to work! We don't know the people who live in your area of the country. We don't know their attitudes, likes, dislikes or demographics! And, we don't know who you are competing against, the amount of negative publicity in your immediate area, how competitive your products are or the overall demand for your products and services in your area?

So, how do you select the best system and sales training organization for your situation and area?

You have to do your homework!

Here are the major points I look for, before I invest my time and hard earned money in any of the systems and sales training programs available today...

1. Does the company list or give you their full contact information? Do they provide you with the name of the owner, key people, their address, telephone numbers and an email contact form? If they don't list all of this information, you must ask yourself why they don't! Shouldn't you be able to call them and actually talk to them to find out more about their program and support to see if it is right for you, your situation and area? If they don't provide their names, how can you verify their credentials? What does this tell you about them?

2. Have these people ever actually sold any products or services in the financial services industry? Is what they offer just information they've learned from a book or they've used in some other sales situation? Do they have any actual experience selling intangible financial products and services?

3. How successful were they in personal sales? Are they just telling you they were successful, or do they have actual documented evidence? In the financial services industry, every company that I know gives out plaques, trophies and other physical awards to the top 10-20% of their producers.

4. How long were they in sales as a personal producer? There are many people who were successful for a year or two, but are now out of personal sales because what did eventually backfired and stopped working. They made a good living for a year or two... but they were the typical pushy salesperson, didn't tell the whole truth, tricked people into buying, or were just selling to friends and family. They were forced to leave personal sales because they had a high lapse rate, were unable to get referrals and find new prospects, etc. Are these the people that you want to help you, with your career?

5. Do these people have any actual experience training new and/or experienced sales people? And, how long? Just because a system worked for them doesn't mean they know how to train others on how to be successful using it! Or, that the system they used is transferable to others?

6. Do they work full time training agents and supporting their systems? Or, are they still working full time in personal sales? If so, how much time will they be able to spend helping you? How hard will it be to contact them?

7. Do they have testimonials from satisfied customers? Unfortunately, it's easy for people to fake written testimonials. Video testimonials are harder to fake. Do they have satisfied customers that you can call?

8. Do they have endorsements from financial industry leaders and associations? In general, these endorsements are not easily obtained; because successful people and associations are not willing risk their reputation by endorsing something that doesn't work! And, these endorsements are not easily faked, because it is very easy to verify if the endorsements are real! How many endorsements do they have? Do they just have one or two endorsements from their friends?

9. Do they offer a detailed list of what's in their courses and systems? Is it primarily just a sales system, or just a marketing system? For any system and training to really help you, it must provide detailed information about marketing, prospecting, appointment setting and sales? It can be the best sales idea in the world, but if it doesn't help you to consistently be in front of the "Right" prospects, then it's almost worthless!

10. Are they upfront with the actual cost of the training and materials? Why aren't they willing to disclose the cost of their materials and training up front? Are they trying to force you into contacting one of their sales people? Are they just interested in getting all of your contact information, so they can continually send you things to buy?

11. Do they offer personalized training and coaching? Or, is it all group training sessions? Will you get help tailored to your personal situation?

12. Do they offer a... No Questions Asked, Money Back Guarantee? Fortunately, most of the lesser programs cannot afford to offer a 'Money Back Guarantee!' Or, they require you go through a time consuming process to qualify for a partial refund. This makes it a little easier to determine if they are a successful and reputable company.

13. Are they members (in good standing) of one or more consumer protection agencies, such the 'Better Business Bureau'? Most of the companies, with lesser programs, are not members of any consumer protection companies, because they get too many complaints. It's easy to check with consumer protection agencies to verify that they are members in good standing.

14. What's their overall reputation? With today's Internet it's very easy to check out any company or individual! If they can't be found on the Internet what does that tell you about their credibility, along with their marketing and sales ability?

15. Are they just recruiters in disguise? Unfortunately, the vast majority of recruiters will do or say whatever they believe will get you to sign up with them. They'll offer you... 'Free Leads', 'Free Systems' and 'Free Training' just to get you to contract with them. Before you contract with them, ask to talk to their five newest agents. (Agents contracted within the last 6 months) If they can't or won't do that, then what does that tell you about them?

If you want to find the best systems and sales training for your particular situation, then you must take the time to do your homework. Do not fall prey to the 'In-Your-Face advertising. By using all the 15 points outlined above you will give yourself a much better opportunity of 'Selecting The Best Systems and Sales Training' for your situation.

However, don't stop there! Always ask to speak to one of the key people in their organization! Ask them to help you to determine if their system and training is right for you! Ask to contact people who are using their systems and training.

Yours in success,
Lew Nason, RFC, FMM, LUTC Graduate
The 9 Out Of 10 Guy...
Consultant, Coach... Mentor

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Where you'll learn how to make 6-figures a year in insurance

How to Select an Insurance Company

By Lorna Greenwood

Caveat emptor - Let the buyer beware! Unfortunately, it's difficult area to be well informed in insurance for many consumers because of the number of insurance companies, kinds of coverage and similarity of names. Add to that the global aspect of the modern business climate, and the struggle can be even greater.

If you're looking for coverage for your home or car, chances are you're familiar with the companies you contact for quotes. Many insurance companies advertise in trusted areas and have long-standing reputations. You know them. When a consumer steps out in a new arena, it pays to be even more informed.

For example, one of the fastest growing industries is Medical Tourism, in which patients travel for health care.

Typically the patient travels overseas for cost savings, often to gleaming facilities with skilled surgeons and other healthcare providers. The cost savings can begin from the ground up, with state of the art facilities being constructed for 1/5 the cost for the same building in the US. Complications can arise from surgery performed anywhere. When patients travel for healthcare savings, they want to know that if a complication arises, they won't see their savings erode. Specialty insurance can cover trip cancellation, travel accident, complications of surgery and more to alleviate that concern.

Because they are specialty policies, they can vary widely. It's important for consumers to compare coverage to ensure they're getting coverage that truly meets their needs. A side by side comparison is important in this regard. Ask about exclusions, coverage periods, deductibles, taxes and fees, etc.

Further, new trends and industries create opportunities for unscrupulous offers from fictitious insurance companies. Because they can appear to be very official, and perhaps claim to be organized outside the US, consumers may feel that they fictitious company is real and legitimate. These bad apples don't spoil the whole bunch, but they can certainly leave a bad taste when they're chosen by mistake!

Insurance companies cannot be set up overnight in any country, and are either listed or reviewed by companies who rate insurers, such as Standard & Poor's or A.M. Best. Even foreign companies are rated, or at least listed (if they have not been in business long enough or otherwise don't meet the criteria to be rated.)

I recently came across a policy that was offered to medical tourists as a patient's version of Malpractice insurance. It is conceivable, but very unusual for a patient to be able to purchase malpractice insurance on a doctor (and I would add that a patient who experiences a complication of surgery would want coverage whether it was the result of malpractice or not.) It included a claim deposit that the patient had to pay if he needed to make a claim. Such requirements are highly unusual, and should prompt the consumer to investigate the validity of the company and the policy.

Consumers should always check insurance companies out, either through their trusted agent or by asking A.M. Best ( or other rating companies directly. Also check with the Better Business Bureau and your state department of insurance for complaints. Consumers should also ask the insurance company who handles their product, so they know they're dealing with the right and authorized agent. An insurance company can be a victim of an unscrupulous person as well as can a consumer, when someone pretends to represent the insurance company. And unfortunately, if money is paid to a fictitious company, it can be very difficult to recover - if it can be recovered.

If in doubt, call on your trusted insurance agent to help you navigate the waters. Get quotes from several companies, check out the companies and agents, compare coverage forms, and move forward knowing that while no insurance policy is everything to everyone, you've made an informed choice for the best option for your needs.

Lorna Greenwood, WCS, CRM, CIC, CISR, ACSR is Program Manager at US Risk Underwriters, Inc. in Dallas, Texas with over fifteen years of experience in the insurance industry, plus ten years experience in real estate investment portfolio management. Visit and for more information on her programs. Lorna underwrites MedTour Pro - coverage for Medical Tourism Facilitators, Employers who offer Medical Tourism Benefits to employees; and MedTour - coverage for the medical tourist.

Why Such An Insurance Company Best For You?

Best Insurance Company in such a field is the Key Ward. This reputation that will guarantee if once upon a time you claim for such a case. But to find the such a good insurance company sometime need some reference that absolutely it is proven. In this discussion you will find how to have the best choice for the Best Insurance Company.

See the Articles....

How to Select an Insurance Company

Beside the Insurance Company Foundation should be well, we also should understand the system. If we want to judge the best service of insurance company, sure take a look at the system that run by the company.

For this reason find the complete articles

How to Select the Best Systems and Sales Training!
