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Jumat, 27 Maret 2009

How to Select the Best Systems and Sales Training!

By Lew Nason

You're new to financial sales. Or, maybe you've been selling financial products and services for five or more years. You're looking for the best systems and sales training programs to help you get started, or to take your sales to a six-figure income and well beyond. You search the Internet, look in industry publications, talk to your manager, talk to your associates and you ask successful agents... "What's the Best Sales System Out There?" "Who Do They Recommend?" You find there are well over one hundred systems and sales trainers available. So, you contact a few of these companies. And, after reading all of their materials and/or listening to them, you are totally confused and uncertain whom to choose? Because, each one of these companies tells you that they are the very best. So, how do you make an intelligent decision?

I empathize with you. I have a similar problem. How do I prove to you, and all of the other insurance agents, financial advisors and financial planners, that we have one of the best sales systems and training programs in the financial services industry? It's a difficult problem. Like many of my competitors, I could make outrageous claims that appeal to the insecurity, fears and greedy human nature of most sales people... "Guaranteed Overnight Success!" "One Thousand New Prospects In Six Weeks!" "Get High Quality Prospects To Call You And Beg For An Appointment!" "Work From Home In Your Underwear!" or "Make A Million Dollars In Six Months, Working Part Time!" But, I hope you are too intelligent to fall for any of those... 'In-Your-Face' advertisements! The vast majority of the people that use these 'In-Your-Face' advertisements tend to be hucksters and scam artists! They know that most financial professionals are like most other people, in that they all want and are looking for instant gratification and immediate success.

The truth is that none of us can guarantee 'absolutely' that you will succeed using our programs. There is no marketing, prospecting and sales program that will work for everyone, in every area of the country. There are just to many variables. We don't know you, your talents, your financial situation, your weaknesses, your strengths, your education, your experience or how hard you are willing to work! We don't know the people who live in your area of the country. We don't know their attitudes, likes, dislikes or demographics! And, we don't know who you are competing against, the amount of negative publicity in your immediate area, how competitive your products are or the overall demand for your products and services in your area?

So, how do you select the best system and sales training organization for your situation and area?

You have to do your homework!

Here are the major points I look for, before I invest my time and hard earned money in any of the systems and sales training programs available today...

1. Does the company list or give you their full contact information? Do they provide you with the name of the owner, key people, their address, telephone numbers and an email contact form? If they don't list all of this information, you must ask yourself why they don't! Shouldn't you be able to call them and actually talk to them to find out more about their program and support to see if it is right for you, your situation and area? If they don't provide their names, how can you verify their credentials? What does this tell you about them?

2. Have these people ever actually sold any products or services in the financial services industry? Is what they offer just information they've learned from a book or they've used in some other sales situation? Do they have any actual experience selling intangible financial products and services?

3. How successful were they in personal sales? Are they just telling you they were successful, or do they have actual documented evidence? In the financial services industry, every company that I know gives out plaques, trophies and other physical awards to the top 10-20% of their producers.

4. How long were they in sales as a personal producer? There are many people who were successful for a year or two, but are now out of personal sales because what did eventually backfired and stopped working. They made a good living for a year or two... but they were the typical pushy salesperson, didn't tell the whole truth, tricked people into buying, or were just selling to friends and family. They were forced to leave personal sales because they had a high lapse rate, were unable to get referrals and find new prospects, etc. Are these the people that you want to help you, with your career?

5. Do these people have any actual experience training new and/or experienced sales people? And, how long? Just because a system worked for them doesn't mean they know how to train others on how to be successful using it! Or, that the system they used is transferable to others?

6. Do they work full time training agents and supporting their systems? Or, are they still working full time in personal sales? If so, how much time will they be able to spend helping you? How hard will it be to contact them?

7. Do they have testimonials from satisfied customers? Unfortunately, it's easy for people to fake written testimonials. Video testimonials are harder to fake. Do they have satisfied customers that you can call?

8. Do they have endorsements from financial industry leaders and associations? In general, these endorsements are not easily obtained; because successful people and associations are not willing risk their reputation by endorsing something that doesn't work! And, these endorsements are not easily faked, because it is very easy to verify if the endorsements are real! How many endorsements do they have? Do they just have one or two endorsements from their friends?

9. Do they offer a detailed list of what's in their courses and systems? Is it primarily just a sales system, or just a marketing system? For any system and training to really help you, it must provide detailed information about marketing, prospecting, appointment setting and sales? It can be the best sales idea in the world, but if it doesn't help you to consistently be in front of the "Right" prospects, then it's almost worthless!

10. Are they upfront with the actual cost of the training and materials? Why aren't they willing to disclose the cost of their materials and training up front? Are they trying to force you into contacting one of their sales people? Are they just interested in getting all of your contact information, so they can continually send you things to buy?

11. Do they offer personalized training and coaching? Or, is it all group training sessions? Will you get help tailored to your personal situation?

12. Do they offer a... No Questions Asked, Money Back Guarantee? Fortunately, most of the lesser programs cannot afford to offer a 'Money Back Guarantee!' Or, they require you go through a time consuming process to qualify for a partial refund. This makes it a little easier to determine if they are a successful and reputable company.

13. Are they members (in good standing) of one or more consumer protection agencies, such the 'Better Business Bureau'? Most of the companies, with lesser programs, are not members of any consumer protection companies, because they get too many complaints. It's easy to check with consumer protection agencies to verify that they are members in good standing.

14. What's their overall reputation? With today's Internet it's very easy to check out any company or individual! If they can't be found on the Internet what does that tell you about their credibility, along with their marketing and sales ability?

15. Are they just recruiters in disguise? Unfortunately, the vast majority of recruiters will do or say whatever they believe will get you to sign up with them. They'll offer you... 'Free Leads', 'Free Systems' and 'Free Training' just to get you to contract with them. Before you contract with them, ask to talk to their five newest agents. (Agents contracted within the last 6 months) If they can't or won't do that, then what does that tell you about them?

If you want to find the best systems and sales training for your particular situation, then you must take the time to do your homework. Do not fall prey to the 'In-Your-Face advertising. By using all the 15 points outlined above you will give yourself a much better opportunity of 'Selecting The Best Systems and Sales Training' for your situation.

However, don't stop there! Always ask to speak to one of the key people in their organization! Ask them to help you to determine if their system and training is right for you! Ask to contact people who are using their systems and training.

Yours in success,
Lew Nason, RFC, FMM, LUTC Graduate
The 9 Out Of 10 Guy...
Consultant, Coach... Mentor

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